• Cecil Avenue Math and Science Academy has about 607 students. Delano Union Elementary School District has three middle schools, one K-8 school, and eight elementary schools. CAMS serves 6th, 7th, 8th grade pupils. The campus is located in central Delano. There is a large gymnasium, a band room, two fitness labs, three computer labs, and an auditorium. Each classroom has computers for teacher and pupil use, and a high-speed broadband Internet connection in place with Wi-Fi.

    The school is comprised of primarily Hispanic (90.12%) and Filipino (7.63%) pupils, with some White (1.45%), and African-American or Black (0.45%) also attending. There are seven languages other than English as the primary language of CAMS pupils.

    The Cecil Avenue Math and Science Academy mascot is the Patriot and the colors are red and blue. All students have equal opportunity to take classes in math, science, language arts, social studies, physical education, and elective courses. Students who need additional support in any academic area participate in a targeted intervention after school program. This provides them with an additional opportunity to learn content.

    Pupils also have the opportunity to participate in many extra-curricular activities, such as sports, clubs, Oral Language Festival, Science Fair, GATE, cheer, Spelling Bee, and History Day. All students are encouraged to become involved.

    The school site provides employment to more than 50 staff members. Pupil services are provided by 26 credentialed classroom teachers, three fully-credentialed Special Education teachers, one part-time Speech pathologist, one part-time School Psychologist, one part-time school nurse, one fully-credentialed Site Resource Teacher, one fully-credentialed Band/Choir Teacher, three fullycredentialed Intervention Teachers, one full-time campus supervisor, one full-time Library Clerk, two full-time Resource Clerks, one Health Care Living Skills Aide.and three part-time Instructional Aides. CAMS also has a mentor from Americorps, and an MSW from the Project 180 program.The LEA provides one full-time (serves the entire district) Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA) Support Teacher. The SEA provides training resources through Region 8 and the Kern County Superintendent of School’s Office (KCSOS).