• Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program

    GATE Exposition

    Lea Cantu..........GATE Resource Teacher 

    (661)721-5000 ext. 00109

    Gifted and Talented Education Program

    One of the many programs available to support students in the Delano Union School District is the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program.  The GATE program is designed to serve students who are achieving above and beyond grade level expectations.  The goal of the GATE program is to challenge and motivate students to achieve at the highest levels of their abilities.  

    GATE program placement formally begins in the 3rd grade and continues through 8th grade.  Students are provided extracurricular opportunities through the GATE Festival After School Program and participation in the various student events throughout the school year.          

    Student Eligibility  

    There are several methods in which a student can qualify for the GATE program. Teachers and parents may refer students for GATE testing.  These students will be assessed using the TONI-4, a nonverbal measurement of ability.  A rubric which considers TONI-4 scores, state assessment scores and GPA or benchmark scores (depending upon grade level) will be used to determine GATE eligibility.  Additional consideration is given to individuals with strong teacher recommendations, disabilities, or previous GATE identification in another district.  Economically disadvantaged students, members of under-represented groups, and underachieving students by CART evaluations receive further consideration as well.           

    Students in 2nd through 7th grade can be referred for GATE testing.  GATE testing takes place in August and September each school year. GATE referral forms, including the signed parental permission slip, should be completed and submitted to Lea Cantu in Educational Services by the end of the school year.

    The referral deadline for GATE testing is May 10, 2024.        

    Academic Services  

    Elementary and 6th grade students receive differentiated instruction in the regular classroom as well as interventions when appropriate.   Students in 7th and 8th grade are grouped together according to subject and ability.  Classroom teachers differentiate the curriculum to meet individual student needs.


    The GATE program offers an after-school program focusing on enrichment and GATE Festival preparation.  Teachers serving as GATE Festival Facilitators guide students through the exploration of various themes and topics.  Students learn to problem solve and collaborate with other GATE students. Students apply the dimensions of depth and complexity (key GATE concepts) to the topics they are exploring.

    GATE Festival

    The GATE Festival gives students the opportunity to share and showcase their interests and talents with family and community members. The 2023-2024 GATE Festival will be held on March 21, 2024.

    GATE Summer Academy

    The GATE Summer Academy is a one-week program for 3rd-7th grade GATE students that provides an additional week of enrichment.  Students participate in engaging and challenging hands-on simulations and activities.  The GATE Summer Academy is typically held during the first week of the summer break.  

    Parent Advisory Committee

    The GATE program has an active Parent Advisory Committee (PAC). The role of the Parent Advisory Committee is to support the needs of GATE students.

    The 2023-2024 GATE PAC meetings are scheduled for:  

    October 30, 2023 - 5:00 p.m. - Zoom meeting

    March 19, 2024 - 5:00 p.m. - location TBD

  • For More Information

    If you would like further information about the GATE program, please contact Lea Cantu (661) 721-5000 extension 00109.